Friday, June 19, 2009

Relay for Life: $61,000

It's absolutely fantastic news that the Relay for Life made $61,000 this year. But I can't help but think back to a few years ago when the Relay first started in Greenville and it made upwards of $150,000 each year, from my memory being certified as one of the top relays in the nation and spectacular for a town of Greenville's size.

What happened? Was there a corporate donor (maybe Greenville Regional Hospital?) that backed out of financing the Relay? Did the novelty wear off and Greenville-ites suddenly get tired of all the bake sales for cancer?

What's the story? I'm genuinely curious, for anyone who knows. I can't be the only one who's noticed this and the Greenville Advocate has never given the real scoop.

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