Saturday, April 19, 2008

Beer at the Bond County Fair?

The Greenville VFW has requested special permits to sell beer outside the Bond County Fairgrounds during the fair. Personally, I think that Greenville should amend its in-city ban on alcohol and allow restaurants to serve it (ever wondered why Greenville doesn't have any good restaurants, while Vandalia and similar-sized cities do? There's your answer!) Because of this, I thought it was maybe a good idea.

I really don't think so, though.

Joyce Alexander brings up an excellent point in the April 8th edition of The Advocate. The VFW will take all the proceeds from their sales, but they won't be paying for extra security at the fair, or for more police officers who deal with more unruliness. It may increase attendance, but at what cost?

Let's get alcohol in restaurants in Greenville where it belongs and keep it away from the Fair!

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