Sunday, April 20, 2008

Greenville City Council Participates in Eminent Domain!

I was dismayed to read the Letter to the Editor from Norma Ramsey published in the Greenville Advocate on April 8. Ramsey brings up a number of excellent points regarding a proposed second lake for Greenville. The Greenville City Council should be ashamed of themselves for even thinking of taking this woman's farm away from her.

Ramsey bring up some very interesting points about this $48 million lake, which the Greenville City Council mysteriously avoided through public forums and in newspaper interviews. Conveniently. Why does the City of Greenville have the right to take away land from a woman who doesn't live in the city limits? If I recall correctly, those who live outside city limits and want city water--even the water that comes from the lake right beside them, Governor Bond Lake-- are charged TWICE what Greenville customers pay. So if Greenville had their way, they would take this woman's farm away and then charge her double for the water if she wanted it. What a slap in the face.

Ramsey explains how she has lived in LaGrange Township in Bond County her whole life except for one fall, and how she and her husband have owned the property in question and farmed it, working long hours, for over 35 years. Greenville now wants the bottom half of her property for their $48 million gift to AmerenIP.

Ramsey justly questions why Greenville has not looked into other options such as raising the current lake dam or dredging Governor Bond, even limiting the number of boats on the lake to prevent soil erosion. These are all interesting ideas that I've heard nary a mention of from the council.

Ramsey also mentions that the city hasn't taken proper care of the current lake.

She concludes by saying, "Now I know how the Indians felt when this land was taken away by the white men." Yes, governments have been up to no good for centuries, and Greenville, Illinois is no different.

Lesson learned, Greenville: you must get involved in national politics, such as eminent domain abuse, because the rooster comes home to roost, and Greenville has decided to take your land away if it sets in a desirable location.

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