Friday, September 26, 2008

Bond County Health Department moving too fast with bidding

I applaud the board of the Bond County Health Department for building up a surplus of over $1 million, enough to move to another building.

However, I'm concerned that they are moving too fast with bidding and groundbreaking on this project. After talking about it for months if not years, bids will be sought October 9, the bid will be accepted October 13th, and groundbreaking will be held October 22nd. Why only four days between garnering bids and accepting one?

Supposedly, Korte Construction is acting in a "construction management" capacity with the Health Department building, and they are advising on the bidding timeline and process. Could they be working to shut other potential bidders out of the process?

For a process that has taken years to reach this point, why is the most important stage being rushed?

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