Monday, September 29, 2008

Greenville College ignores state's warnings about Hogue Hall

I was dismayed to read in The Greenville Advocate that the state historical preservation agency asked Greenville College to wait to demolish Hogue Hall in a less haphazard manner in order to save more of its historical dimensions to incorporate into the new building.

Of course, the state's advice was ignored by the GC higher-ups who made this decision. Now, Greenville College has no Hogue Hall and has to conduct a fundraising drive in the middle of what might be the worst recession since the Great Depression! Sure, Greenville College wants its own "bailout" from the state of Illinois, but frankly Illinois needs to spend its money on more important things right now. The head of the preservation agency notes that her reluctance to go along with the demolition would be noted if the college wants state funds, and I think that would be an appropriate punishment. Ignore the state agency's sound advice? Then you don't get state funding.

Whoever made the decision at GC to demolish Hogue Hall and not even give alums advance notice to see it needs to be fired. Honestly.

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