Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Greenville Doesn't Need Preservation Regulations

I disagree with a letter to The Greenville Advocate (from the August 5th edition) proffered by Kathy Brewer, a Greenville College graduate who decries the end of Hogue Hall and wants Greenville to create a "historic preservation ordinance."

I think GC should be criticized for this decision from the hilltops of our green town, but I don't think an "ordinance" is needed. Greenville needs to mind its own business when it comes to private property-- need I bring to mind the "take the turret down/no put the turret back up" debacle involving the Sanders' property, or the threatening letters sent to various town individuals for the look of their yards by former code enforcer Bill Grider while the main drag College Avenue boasts some of the ugliest, most gunked-up yards in town, for which nothing is ever done?

Greenville gets it wrong when it interferes with people's right to their own lives and property, so I say NO to any historic preservation ordinance.

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